25 February 2014

Life of Flower

There are some topics that are more valuable of the Christian’s study and attention than the topic of Christian joy and happy. Gordon Fee hits the nail on the head when he writes, “Joy…lies at the heart of the Christian experience of the gospel; it is the fruit of the Spirit in any truly Christian life, serving as primary evidence of the Spirit’s presence”. He goes onto say that, “Unmitigated, untrammeled joy is . . . the distinctive mark of the believer in Christ Jesus”. The great British expositor, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, wrote that, “Nothing was more characteristic of the first Christians than this element of joy”. Elsewhere he said, “The greatest need of the hour is a revived and joyful church”. And perhaps the great Puritan Richard Baxter said it best when he said, “Delighting in God, and in his word and ways, is the flower and life of true religion”.

This teaching completely permeates the entire New Testament and is everywhere confirmed by it. Take in this staggering emphasis on the centrality of joy in the Christian life as revealed in Scripture.

There simply cannot be any doubt as to the centrality of joy in the Christian life. Any thought of joy as being the “icing on the cake” of the Christian life, or a “take-it-or-leave-it” fruit of the Spirit, falls woefully short of the biblical testimony. The kingdom of God, the fruit of the Spirit, the Gospel itself, the beginning and the end of the Christian life, the goal of prayer, the goal of the Word, the goal of ministry, the result of fellowship, the strength to endure suffering, and the occupation of heaven. Joy absolutely saturates the pages of Scripture.

And in the same way, it must saturate every fiber of our soul and of every aspect of our Christian lives. It is to be the distinctive and dominating characteristic of the Christian life. It is, as Baxter said, the flower and life of true religion. May God give us grace to pursue our greatest and highest joy in Him through Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

4 January 2014

Images Of Flowers

Images Of Flowers

Images Of Morning Flowers
 The rose, however, has proved its veritable worth owing to its exhaustive use in health and medicine.

A rose is a woody, thorny plant of the rosaceae family. There are more than one hundred species of roses, with large showy flowers in many different colors. Roses are considered native to Asia, but are also grown in Europe, northern Africa, and North America.
Images Of Gift Flowers
Medicinal Uses :- Rose petals are used in making rose oil that is steam distilled by crushing. The byproduct of steam distillation is rose water, which is an excellent relaxing agent, soothes the nerves and adds flavor to a variety of dishes across the world. Rose essence is rich in flavanoids, tannins, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B3, C, D and E, making it beneficial in skin care.
Images Of color Flowers
Our Rose Colors and Meanings guide contains helpful hints about the meaning associated with the colors of roses and other rose information. As one of the most enduring symbols for love and appreciation, it’s no surprise that roses are among the most admired and evocative of flowers. Our comprehensive guide to the colors and meanings of roses is your resource for rose interpretation.
Coveted through the ages for its simply beauty and intoxicating fragrance, there’s no better way to send a heartfelt message than with the classic rose. Each color rose has its own special significance, though, so it’s important to do your research.
Images Of Flowers

Images Of Flowers