5 February 2015

Bouvardia Flowers

Bouvardia Flowers

Named after Charles Bouvard, the personal physician to Louis XIII and the superintendent of the Royal Gardens in Paris, modern varieties of bouvardia have names such as Pink Luck, Albatross and Royal Katty. Their star-like flowers grow in clusters on thin, branching stems, like small flower bouquets in soft shades of pink, white, yellow, salmon and red. With a delicate scent and feminine appearance, in the language of flowers, bouvardia represent enthusiasm.

Bouvardia can have single or double star-like blooms that open from tubular necks. Thin, branching stems open up to clusters of blooming florets. Leaves are bright green and pointed. Bouvardia comes in white, pink, salmon, and red and lives one to two weeks. The dainty flowers and soft colors bestow an air of femininity wherever they make an appearance.

Bouvardia Flowers

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