9 February 2015

Chrysanthemum Flowers

Chrysanthemum Flowers

This is an extremely potent herbal tea. Chrysanthemum tea has high amounts of B carotene which are present in the yellow part and the fruit. The B carotene is converted in Vitamin A in the liver. This kind of Vitamin A is helpful in treating skin problems and increasing the immunity power. It also helps in postponing the aging process and age related blindness.

Chrysanthemum Flowers

Chrysanthemum tea is also a good source of Vitamin Bs like choline, folacin, niacin as well as riboflavin. It also contains Vitamin C which reduces the risks of scurvy and protects the eyes.

Many flower forms are available. Stems may carry one flower or multiple blooms. There are also spoon-shaped, quill-shaped, threadlike or spider-like florets. Used as both cut flowers and blooming plants, their colors include pink, yellow, red, white, bronze, magenta and purple.

Benefits of Chrysanthemum

1. Chrysanthemum tea has Vitamin C in which helps ease heaviness in the head during cold and provide relief in sinusitis discomfort. This herbal tea also has antiviral properties and helps relieve congestion in the head which may be caused by viral infection. The heaviness in the head could also be caused due to bacterial pathogenic reaction. Chrysanthemum tea is anti spirochetal in nature thus it is really helpful in easing head congestion.

2. Chrysanthemum tea is naturally caffeine free, hence, it is free from all the side effects of caffeine like anxiety, tension, irritation, nervousness and confusion.

3. Chrysanthemum tea is a natural coolant and helps in lowering the temperature of the body when suffering from fever or even heat stroke. This herbal tea is also helpful in treating pimples and acne. It can also treat discomfort of high temperature such as headache, slight toothache and throbbing nerves in the gums

4. Chrysanthemum tea is good for the detoxification of the liver and for lowering cholesterol levels.

5. This tea helps in the treatment of coronary artery disease, blocked arteries and even varicose veins.

6. Chrysanthemum tea has stimulating property and helps in alerting the senses and rejuvenating the brain. It stimulates all your senses very quickly and also calms down the nerves.

7. It helps in easing giddiness.

8. Drinking Chrysanthemum tea helps in providing relief in sore throat, redness in the eyes, itchiness in the eyes, dryness in the eyes and dark sport in the eye area.

9. It makes the lungs strong and helps in providing relief in respiratory problems such as shortness of breath.

10. Chrysanthemum tea when taken with lunch or dinner especially with oily foods helps ease digestion.

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